The tournament will be governed by Official MLB Rules with the following exceptions:

  2. Player eligibility – No player may play with more than one team in the same age division. However, a player may play on more than one team by playing up an age division.
  3. GAME LENGTH - see Age Rules for details by age group.
  4. Four innings or one hour constitutes a complete game when delayed or called because of inclement weather or any other reason.
  5. You may NOT re-enter a pitcher.
  6. Batting Order Re-entry Rule: Starters may only re-enter one time and in the same spot in the batting order.
  7. Batting Order: There is no limit to the number of players in the starting batting lineup (nine or more).
  8. Pitcher cannot fake a pick-off move to 3rd Base while being engaged with the pitching rubber.
  9. Unlimited defensive substitutions. Your defensive lineup is non-related to your batting order. A player may play defense even if not in the batting lineup.
  10. Some fields may have portable mounds. Pitchers are not allowed to wear metal cleats on portable mounds.
  11. Bat boys are NOT allowed in the dugout or on the Field.
  12. The home team will be official scorer unless otherwise designated by the umpire and/or PROLOOK. All home teams should note official start time. The umpire will be the official time keeper.
  13. Protests will not be allowed on judgment calls. Protests must be handled at the time of protest (not after the game). Umpire may confer with PROLOOK official for help on a ruling.
  14. We will enforce an attempt to avoid contact at all bases. Malicious contact-runner will be ejected. It is the discretion of the umpire if the runner is trying to avoid contact or a collision. This is a judgement call by Umpire. Not open to discussion or protest - Umpire Judgement.
  15. A slide rule will be enforced when an infielder is attempting to turn a double-play at second base. If the runner is not close enough to merit a slide, he must peel away from the baseline. This rule is for the protection of the base runner. The runner and batter/runner will be deemed out if the runner’s failure to slide or peel away affects the defensive play. This call is at the umpire’s discretion.
  16. A runner may not hurdle, jump over, or leap over a fielder unless the fielder is lying prone on the ground. Penalty: The runner is out, but the ball remains live unless the umpire calls interference. Note: Jumping over a kneeling fielder is illegal.
  17. NO defensive huddles prior to your team taking the field in between innings.
  18. Please have a catcher available to warm up your pitcher between innings when your catcher is not ready.
  19. No infield play before games. Get teams in the dugout and have your teams ready to play on time.
  20. Only two coaches outside of the dugout during games (does not include base coaches).
  21. Home team will be determined by a coin flip on the last pool play game.
  22. Remove garbage from the dugout and clear it promptly after your games. Hold post-game discussions outside of the dugout.
  23. Show respect to the parks, umpires, and your opponents. Make this a great game for all involved.
  24. Any excessive unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or fans may result in removal from the game, possible forfeiture of the game, and a possible ban from future tournaments.
  25. Read and adhere to the Code of Conduct.
  26. Mercy rule is 15 runs after 3 innings. 12 runs after 4 innings. 9 runs after 5 innings.

*Service animals are welcome

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